Volume 4 Number 1 January 1994
Time Series Analysis
Nonlinear adaptive control using neural networks: Estimation with a smoothed form of simultaneous perturbation gradient approximation------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- Spall, J. C. and Cristion, J. A. 1 A comparison of order estimation procedures for ARMA models------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Potscher, B. M. and Srinivasan, S. 29 On subset selection in non-parametric stochastic regression-- Yao, Q. W. and Tong, H. 51 Probabilistic properties of the £]-ARCH model------------- Guegan, D. and Diebolt, J. 71 Partial likelihood analysis of logistic regression and autoregression--------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Slud, E. and Kedem, B. 89 The asymptotic distributions of residual autocorrelations and related tests of fit for a class of nonlinear time series models-------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Hwang, S. Y., Basawa, I. V. and Reeves, J. 107
The Laplacian T-approximation in Bayesian inference-------------------------------- -----------------------------------------Leonard, T., Hsu, J. S. J. and Ritter, C. 127 Piecewise-polynomial regression trees---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------Chaudhuri, P., Huang, M.-C., Loh, W.-Y. and Yao, R. 143 Estimation in the exponential family in the presence of nuisance parameters: Compromise between bias and precision ---------------Chang, Y.-C. and Liang, K.-Y. 169 Resampling-based estimator in nonlinear regression-----------Mong, J. and Wang, X. R. 187 Empirical likelihood for generalized linear models--------------------Kolaczyk, E. D. 199 Influence of selection bias on type I error rate under random permuted block designs ----------------------------------------------------------------------Proschan, M. 219 A sampling plan for selecting the most reliable product under the Arrhenius accelerated life test model --------------Tseng, S.-T., Huang, D.-Y. and Wu, T.-Y. 233 Some optimal nested row-column designs-------------------Chang, J. Y. and Notz, W. I. 249 Dose-response modeling of trinomial responses from developmental experiments----- ---------------------------------------------------------Chen, J. J. and Li, L.-A. 265 Choosing a design for straight line fits to two correlated responses------------- ------------------------------------------------------Kim, W. B. and Draper, N. R. 275 Analytical approximations to bootstrap distribution functions using addlepoint methods ---------------------------DiCiccio, T. J., Martin, M. A. and Young, G. A. 281 Penalized likelihood regression: A simple asymptotic analysis-- Gu, C. and Qiu, C. F. 297 Risk-efficient estimation of the mean of the logistic response function using the Spearman-Karber estimator ------------------ Nanthakumar, A. and Govindarajulu, Z. 305 Two kinds of measures of departure from symmetry in square contingency tables having nominal categories --------------------------------------------Tomizawa, S. 325 Sequential unbiased estimation of the number of classes in a population---------- -------------------------------------------------Christman, M. C. and Nayak, T. K. 335 Asymptotically optimal sequential point estimation of the mean of an exponential family ------------------------------------------------------------------Tahir, M. 353 Almost sure convergence of stochastic approximation procedures-----------------Li, G. 361 Asymptotically distribution-free multivariate rank tests for multiple samples with partially incomplete observations --------------- Palesch, Y. Y. and Lachin, J. M. 373